Because of the LORD’s great LOVE we are NOT CONSUMED, for his COMPASSIONS never fail. THEY ARE NEW EVERY MORNING; great is Your FAITHFULNESS. Lamentations 3:22-23
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Things are always busy around here, but lately even more so. We are redoing the living room top to bottom. New paint, carpet, furniture... We (mostly meaning Ben here)even have done some slight demolition. My wonderful mother-in-law is sewing me new curtains; not just for the living room, but for the kitchen as well. As soon as the living room is done I plan to paint the kitchen. It is very exciting, but a total mess right now. I am taking pictures throughout the process, so it should be fun to see the before and after. One big project I am taking on is the north interior wall. I am going to paper bag it! I saw this done is someone's house and loved the look. I went to Lowe's and bought contractor's paper -for discount I might add, because of a rip. Since my entire plan is to tare it up, this worked well for me.- Grace and I got the paper torn now I just need to paste it on the wall and then glaze over it. I, however, can not paper bag the wall until we paint the ceiling and remaining walls. We also have carpet waiting on the paint and furniture waiting on the carpet. looks like we shall be painting in the very near future. (Again, mostly meaning Ben here) In case I have not mentioned it, I love my husband and all he does for me! I am so blessed! Hopefully I will have some before and after pictures on here soon.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Jesus Said
Today Grace wore a pretty little dress to school. This particular dress has a little piece of material which ties around it as a belt. I, however, could not remember if it tied in the front, or the back. I told Grace I was pretty sure it tied in the front. Grace said she thought it went in the back. I said, no, I think it goes in the front. Grace then says to me, "Mom, I heard Jesus talk to me and he said it ties in the back." ~I tied it in the back.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Love Is In The Air
Grace came home today and told me she is Carson's boyfriend. (Carson is a little boy in her class.)I say, you mean his girlfriend? No, she says, I'm his boyfriend. Grace, I explain, you can't be a boy-friend. You are a girl. You would have to be a girlfriend. Oh, she says. Well, she continues, I am his girlfriend, 'cept he keeps trying to break up with me, but I won't let him. I then asked her what that means, if she is his girlfriend. She answered me, that means I love him and when we get big I'm gonna marry him -at least that's what I keep telling him.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Hi all! Just a note, anyone can now leave comments; you do not need a Google account to do so. I know that some family was wanting to comment, but could not. Now you should be able to. I will get an e-mail alerting me of the comments however before it actually post, so it may take a little while before you see it. I hope this helps! ~Aimee.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sock Hop
A couple of weeks ago was the Sock Hop at Grace's school. This is the same school I worked at before Grace was even born, so she has been going to the Sock Hop since she was just a tiny baby. Ben stayed home with Colt so Grace and I could have a girls' night out. It was a lot of fun and per usual Grace danced the night away. This year I let her wear my class ring Ben gave me. She thought that was pretty special.

Grace and her Teacher, Mrs. Miller.

Here is the ring Ben gave me. He got it for me a couple of years ago. Since neither one of us really had the whole "hi-school" experience he had it say Marriage Hi. It has a Bible and a phoenix on it. It is one of those things that represents so very much to me.
Grace and her Teacher, Mrs. Miller.
Here is the ring Ben gave me. He got it for me a couple of years ago. Since neither one of us really had the whole "hi-school" experience he had it say Marriage Hi. It has a Bible and a phoenix on it. It is one of those things that represents so very much to me.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Snow Day
This past Friday we were blessed with a snow day! This of course meant that me and the kids had a bonus day off together. It was really just a beautiful snow and not so cold out that you couldn't enjoy it. So I declared a snow-a-thon. First we bundled up and went out back for awhile. It was so fun to watch Colt since this was his first real time to play in snow. It didn't take him long to figure out he liked it. After that we sat out bowls to collect snow for snow ice cream and Grace began a snow picture. For her picture she put Jello on a canvas then we sat it in the snow. The snow dissolves the Jello leaving behind a very bright and colorful art piece. She did a great job and it turned out beautiful. Lastly we mixed up our snow ice cream which was a huge hit with the kids. It turned out to be the perfect snow day and I am so thankful this extra time with my kids.

She Talks with Her Hands
The other day Grace was trying to tell my mom something, only without speaking. She would point her fingers and wave her arms around, but no words. My mom told Grace that she would have to speak for her to understnd what she wanted. Grace replied that she was only talking like Sarah. Sarah is her best friend whos parents are both profoundly deaf. Grace thought she could succesfully communicate the same way as Sarah and her family. My mom explained that she doesn't know sign language. Grace said that was fine, she would interpret.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Remove the Temptation
Here lately Ben's Grandpa Ben comes over to visit and have dinner with us on Wednesday nights. It's a great time for us to catch up and the kids love their Grandpa Benny. Grandpa Ben has a thing now where he always brings Grace gum. This is something her Grandma Linda always did and when Linda passed away one of the things Grace said she would miss was how Grandma Linda would give her gum. Now it is Grandpa Benny who brings the gum instead. This is a very special treat as we never give her any gum at all. So tonight as I was telling Grace goodnight, I decided to remind her that she was not to get up in the night and get any gum. She of course wanted to know why not. I explained that it could get in her hair, or worse, she could choke on it. Hang on mom, she says, as she climbs out of bed. She goes over and hands me a little tin container. She explains to me that it has some of her special things in it, like pretty beads, sea shells, and money. She then tells me to put it somewhere safe where she can't find it. As I ask her why, I open the container and see two opened packs of gum in it as well. She then tells me that she just might get out of bed at night and get out the gum, but if she doesn't know where it is, then she can't. Wow, I know grown adults (myself included) who can't seem to figure that concept out sometimes. Where there is temptation flee from it. Oh if we all could be as sensible as a five year old child sometimes.
Grandma's Afternoon
So yesterday I posted my dear mother's morning at our house with the kids. Here is the rest of her day, again as she tells it.
P.S. Mom, have I told you how much we love and appreciate you lately? Well we do. Alot.
Oh my day got better. I was sitting on the recliner, Colt was on the floor with a toy and Grace was watching tv. Colt threw his toy and hit me sqaure in the mouth. I ran and grabbed a wash rag to hold on my mouth. I heard a thump and Grace let out a scream. She had been swinging her soccer medal around and hit herself in the head. Her eyebrow was gashed open bleeding. I took the rag off my lip and grabbed an ice pack to put on Grace. Colt saw the chance to slip into Grace's bedroom; I noticed her door open told her to hold the rag and went for Colt. Just as I went into the room he took Grace's missionary bank, tipped it up into his mouth, and poored pennies down his throat. I said spit those out, but one was caught in his throat and he was starting to gag. I slapped his back and out flew the penny. What a day! Tomorrow we start over. Grace's eyebrow was still bleeding when I left, but it was such a tiny cut that it should heal without stitches and Colt went to bed for a nap. I could use one now that I think about it!
P.S. Mom, have I told you how much we love and appreciate you lately? Well we do. Alot.
Oh my day got better. I was sitting on the recliner, Colt was on the floor with a toy and Grace was watching tv. Colt threw his toy and hit me sqaure in the mouth. I ran and grabbed a wash rag to hold on my mouth. I heard a thump and Grace let out a scream. She had been swinging her soccer medal around and hit herself in the head. Her eyebrow was gashed open bleeding. I took the rag off my lip and grabbed an ice pack to put on Grace. Colt saw the chance to slip into Grace's bedroom; I noticed her door open told her to hold the rag and went for Colt. Just as I went into the room he took Grace's missionary bank, tipped it up into his mouth, and poored pennies down his throat. I said spit those out, but one was caught in his throat and he was starting to gag. I slapped his back and out flew the penny. What a day! Tomorrow we start over. Grace's eyebrow was still bleeding when I left, but it was such a tiny cut that it should heal without stitches and Colt went to bed for a nap. I could use one now that I think about it!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Grandma's Morning
This past week both kids have had head colds. My lovely mother has been at our house watching them while I work. This was her morning the other day, in her own words.
What a morning! Grace and Colt are both sick with colds, I'm still coughing but I feel better. I asked Grace what she wanted for breakfast. She says,
"Three eggs, round eggs, not long eggs, toast, bacon and milk".
"Grace, we are out of milk."
Melt down of course -she loves milk. Okay, she'll take apple juice.
"Grace, all eggs are round, you mean fried."
"Yes. Not scrambled."
"Grace, do you want the yoke hard, or soft?"
"Round Grandma."
I fried three eggs soft, because you can always take them back and make them hard. Another melt down.
"I can't eat these, they are nasssy!"
I take them back and fry them hard...
Another melt down.
"These are wrong they are supposed to be round!"
"Grace what are you talking about, all eggs are round."
"Grandma, with the shells on...."
"Oh, hard boiled!"
Colt and I ate the nasssy eggs and I boiled eggs for Grace.
The toast was wrong, she can't eat that ucky purple jelly; she wanted apple butter.
Colt ate her toast.
"The bacon is too hard!"
More tears.
Colt ate her bacon.
I have discovered that Colt will eat anything, however, tomorrow I am going by Mcdonalds!!!
What a morning! Grace and Colt are both sick with colds, I'm still coughing but I feel better. I asked Grace what she wanted for breakfast. She says,
"Three eggs, round eggs, not long eggs, toast, bacon and milk".
"Grace, we are out of milk."
Melt down of course -she loves milk. Okay, she'll take apple juice.
"Grace, all eggs are round, you mean fried."
"Yes. Not scrambled."
"Grace, do you want the yoke hard, or soft?"
"Round Grandma."
I fried three eggs soft, because you can always take them back and make them hard. Another melt down.
"I can't eat these, they are nasssy!"
I take them back and fry them hard...
Another melt down.
"These are wrong they are supposed to be round!"
"Grace what are you talking about, all eggs are round."
"Grandma, with the shells on...."
"Oh, hard boiled!"
Colt and I ate the nasssy eggs and I boiled eggs for Grace.
The toast was wrong, she can't eat that ucky purple jelly; she wanted apple butter.
Colt ate her toast.
"The bacon is too hard!"
More tears.
Colt ate her bacon.
I have discovered that Colt will eat anything, however, tomorrow I am going by Mcdonalds!!!
It has been a little while since I have been on here. It seems life is at warp speed right now! There are quite a few things I am planing on posting, including the Sock Hop and snow day pictures. Meanwhile, here are some cute things that I don't want to forget.
First thing, today I walked in the living room to find Colt totally naked. I say, "Colt Aaron!" he looked at me, smiled, bent over, and tooted at me! He then laughed and ran away.
Second thing, today I walked in the living room to find Colt totally naked.(This is a common occurrence at our house.) I say,"Colt Aaron! What did you do that for?" Grace says to me, "Well, he must of been wet I suppose." How cute!
First thing, today I walked in the living room to find Colt totally naked. I say, "Colt Aaron!" he looked at me, smiled, bent over, and tooted at me! He then laughed and ran away.
Second thing, today I walked in the living room to find Colt totally naked.(This is a common occurrence at our house.) I say,"Colt Aaron! What did you do that for?" Grace says to me, "Well, he must of been wet I suppose." How cute!
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