Our newly remodeled living room is pretty much complete! I still need to hang a picture here and there, but overall it is done. The room turned out better than I had imagined. One of the things I love the most about this room was how our little family all worked together to finish it. Here is the remodel in pictures.
Here is a view of room before. Please note the color of oatmeal through out. Granted, I do love oatmeal, just not everywhere I look. Of course the kids helped to add some color with their vast toy selection; accessories are everything. ;)
This is our lovely planters. When we moved in they were full of old dirt and plastic flowers. :( I tried to work with them and at least added real greenery, which I would continuously forget to water....
More of the planters. Ben had already taken the drawers out before I got any pictures. One would think this would be appreciated storage, but really it was just a place for Colt to hide things he should not have had in the first place. It was also a great jungle gym for Colt as well. Thus far he is the only one who misses it.
Colt Helping to take the planter out. He loves nothing more than to get his tools and help his daddy.
Here is where the big planter was after Ben took it out. This is also the wall that would eventually be covered in brown paper sack. Really, a paper wall. I saw this in another home and loved the look. So, why not try it. I even heard my carpet guys talking about the paper wall. Their consensus? "Well, it's different." HA!
Here is Grace helping me get the paper ready for the wall. She worked so hard I was afraid her little hands would blister. She did a great job!
This is what the paper looked like just after I pasted it on. At this point I was not sure if this would work or not. Luckily it did, I don't imagine it would be fun to take back down...
This is what the wall looks like after everything had dried.
The room while being painted.
Yes, the color is turquoise. Turquoise Tide to be exact.
And after....
Here is a close up of my new mirror. I really like this mirror.
Where the planters once were.
This is my little red chair. I really like this chair.
My dad and Colt.
So, there it is. Our Turquoise Tide-Paper Sack-Throw Back-Modern-living room and we love it!
It looks so good! The color really turned out beautiful.