Sunday, August 29, 2010

End of Summer

The end of summer is near.
School is back in full force.
The days are becoming shorter.
There has even been a break in the heat.
Grace is loving first grade. I was so worried about changing her schools, but this seems to have been the right decision. I see her growing in confidence each new day.
She loves the morning assembly, she love music (Which my dear friend Katy teaches. Thank you Mrs. Schelp!)She loves her teacher, and the other day she told me she had made 14 new friends. :) She even loves how each day they all run a lap around the school playground. This next week her school is having a little one mile marathon. Grace and I are planning on going and she will get her first school shirt for participating.
Colt is doing great as well. My dad has officially retired, so Colt gets to spend his days with "Linly" and Papa Bill. He is doing well with the potty training, with the exception of going in the back of a toy truck the other night. I guess it could have been worse...
This next weekend Ben's brother is getting married. Ben and Grace will both be in the wedding, so I will be sure and post some pictures.

-I still have not replaced my camera charger. I'm holding out, knowing it has to be here somewhere. It may, however, be time I count my losses and get a new one. Either way, I will be sure and get some pictures on here soon.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Life as of Now

Let's see, right now....
Grace starts her new school tomorrow.
She has a new pink tutu/skort to start the year out in full Grace fashion.
(Everyone knows skorts right? The skirt/short combo? Anyways...)
I start my second year teaching pre-k tomorrow.
I am seriously considering wearing scrubs in order to salvage my dress attire.
Colt is using the potty faithfully now.
He, however, will only use it when he is alone in the bathroom with the door locked.
Zody has chewed up three pairs of flip flops in the last week.
We are no longer keeping shoes in the kitchen.
~I will be sure and post first day of school pictures soon!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Faith Like a Child

The other day Grace and I were driving home when she says to me,
Mom, if I were to get sick and go to the hospital, Jesus would come and make a miracle on me and I would get to come home.
And how do you know that I asked.
To which she replied,
because I'm too young to die.
I couldn't help but smile at that one.