Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today was such a special day for our family. Ben, Grace, and I were all baptized. Ben and I knew this was something that we wanted to do, but I was a little surprised when Grace said she wanted to as well. I was so proud of her for being so brave! After, she told me she thought she would be nervous,but that she wasn't at all. A huge thanks to Pastor Steve and Pat and Amos for making this happen!

After the baptism we all had snacks and the kids played in the pool, including my dad, the biggest kid of them all. My dad even dove off of the diving board! I had no idea he was such a good swimmer. Colt almost was brave enough to jump off the board, but not quite. Maybe next year.

It was a great time of growth and fellowship with our church. I could not have asked for a better weekend!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ashlee and Daniel's Wedding

This past weekend Ben's oldest-younger brother got married. I am very excited to say I now have two sisters named Ashley/Ashlee!

Ben and Grace were both in the wedding. Grace was soooo excited to be a flower girl!

I was a little nervous when we first got her dress. It was a little too big, but after Cindy and Nanny got a hold of it, it was perfect.

Ashlee's friend Abby did Grace's hair before the wedding. Poor Grace was suffering from horrible allergies and I had given her some medicine which makes her drowsy just before we did her hair. This, with the combination of curling irons and bobby pins, made for a very traumatic hair styling. In the end her hair looked amazing and the tears were quickly forgotten.

The side with the braid.

From the front.

The side with the bun.

The wedding took place in a field at sunset. It was so very pretty and everything seemed to go off without a hitch. (Well, with the exception of the hitching between the bride and groom of course. ha)

Me and Ben

Ben and Grace

Grace and Grandpa Benny

Me and Ben again. :)

Miss Grace Elizabeth

It was a great night and I was so proud of both Grace and Ben.

Congratulations Daniel and Ashlee!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

First Day of School Pictures (Finally)

I am so behind; I'm just now getting pictures on here of the 1st day of school!

Here is Grace and I in our matching pink and black. :)

So grown up!

Grace with her new backpack.